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Today was no different than any other church day for the false preachers of the House of Yahweh. Yisrayl Hawkins gave a declaration that no other scholar or historian has ever attempted to do (because there is no proof to back up this false teaching). He stated that the New Testament, Book of Hebrews, was written by the Christian Messiah! Yes, you heard that right, he states that the New Testament book was written by the man himself, Yahshua (Jesus Christ)! Now of course he doesn’t provide any credible sources, to back up such a bold claim, but his followers believe every word that proceeds from this false prophets mouth, without question! No scholar has ever been so bold, because there is NO PROOF WHATSOEVER THAT THE CHRISTIAN MESSIAH EVER WROTE ANY BOOK!

This is the problem with a mind control, cult mentality– the followers, NEVER QUESTION, anything that is taught, and is contrary to history! You would think that any person in their right mind would ask the million dollar question to such a bold statement, such as: “Where do you get the information to state that the Christian Messiah wrote the Book of Hebrews, even though no one else has ever been able to provide such information?”

This is the way a mind control cult operates: The Leader, convinces his followers into thinking he knows things in scripture, that the scholarly and historical educators of the religious world, don’t know. He then goes on to show “How Special” his followers are, because they have hidden knowledge that other religions and religious people don’t have! While I don’t have a problem with people knowing something different, I do have a problem when a supposedly teacher, (which Yisrayl Hawkins claims to be) teaches something that he felt in his heart, ignoring historical and scholarly proofs or evidence! This is the same guy who makes fun of preachers who teach from their heart!

So once again we call Yisrayl Hawkins out and ask him to provide the factual sources that will back up his bold claim, that the Book of Hebrews was written by Yahshua (Jesus Christ)!