
Yisrayl Hawkins proclaimed in his weekly sabbath sermon that his family were slave owners! Of course this would be new information revealed by the master of deception. Several years ago he wrote a book called “Reconsidering Yahweh’s Laws on Marriage and Slavery,” and failed to mention this important notation of his family. Anyone who has read this website understands this is another LIE, by the narcissistic religious leader. Prove me wrong in my questioning of you, Israeli Hawkins, can you provide details as to who, in your family lineage, was a slave owner! After all, you do write in one of your books (In Search of the Savior) “which, by the way, is no longer available at your church,” and have bragged many timesĀ  across your church pulpit, that your family fled Germany to avoid the holocaust! So the big question that needs to be answered is, how could your family have been slave owners in the 1800’s here in America if they were living in Germany
He also proclaimed that some members saw his face in the MOON! Yes, that’s right, they saw his face in the moon! Wow the lies his followers will believe, will you?